Morphoses is a collective exhibition organised by Action Hybride plus its guests - photographs, drawings, texts, performances ...
During the happening of the Art exhibition, Action Hybride will present its fanzine called Hapax. Here the link - fanzine HAPAX.
Art Gallery: l'Odyssette, 17 rue du cloitre 13200 Arles.
From Wednesday 19 to Saturday 22 May from 11am to 8pm
Sunday 23 May from 10 am to 3 pm
Street performances - Friday May 21 and Saturday May 22.
See the program below.
Open Call
Morphoses is change, the gap; it’s nostalgia, or maybe it’s a dream.
It is also, of course, the tangible, the skin under our fingers, a wound that heals, and all these very palpable forms that are tamed day by day.
Morphoses is fluctuating, the vagueness which escapes and is reconstructed. Morphoses is the ability to adapt ...
With the members of Action Hybride: Maria Clark, Loredana Denicola, Louise A. Depaume, Louise Dumont, Fanny Gosse, Axelle Remeaud, Francesca Sand, Vanda Spengler, Elisabette Zelaya.
And the guests:
Manon Di Chiappari, Jean-Claude Gagnieux, Cédric Lerible, Sylvaine Louradour, Sophie Menuet, Mila Nijinsky, Antonella eye Porcelluzzi Camille Szarka
Friday 21 May
18pm Elisabette Zelaya "L’Odalisca"
Saturday 22 from 3pm to 7 15pm 3pm Sophie Menuet et Raoul Hébréard. "Torsé-Cœur" - 20 min. 3 40pm Cédric Lerible "Sans Titre" - 20 min. 4 15pm Manon Di Chiappari "Ainsi soit" - 20-25 min. 5pm Sylvaine Louradour "Exit : la terre" Performance / with the participation of an audience - 25 min. 6pm Antonella Eye Porcelluzzi "Du sexe" Reading - 30 min. 6 45 Gagnieux-Maoudj - performance with sound, 20 min
Below some pictures.

by Loredana Denicola
#morphoses #artexhibitionArles #ActionHybride #LoredanaDenicolaArtist #MariaClark #LouiseADepaume #LouiseDumont #FannyGosse #AxelleRemeaud #FrancescaSand #VandaSpengler #ElisabetteZelaya #MultidisciplinaryArtExhibition #Arles #EventinFrance