the theatre of the mind
video gallery
the theatre of the mind is a video-photographic project based on trust, focused on the exploration of oneself through conversations with people, as a means of enrichment, discovery, and acceptance. I am guided by intuition. I want to explore their inner worlds and determine if they resonate with mine at that moment. I aim to discuss the meaning of life, the lies they might have told themselves, their hidden secrets (which can sometimes be painful), their childhood, life, sex, what keeps them awake at night, love, their fears, their depth, and the lives of us simple human beings. These are unique stories, fragments of lives that represent humanity. But most importantly, I want to get to know them.
the theatre of the mind is an installation project consisting of photographs and seven videos.
Each video has a duration ranging from 25 to 55 minutes, for a total of 5 and a half hours.
The videos are in the English language with English and Italian subtitles. English subtitles have been curated by me and Peter Dixon.
The topics covered include crossdressing, the Islamic religion, adolescent depression and violence, gender dysphoria, the creation of an alter ego, art performance, and the fantasies represented by a six-year-old girl.
Alan, the cross-dresser
Humaira, I choose my religion, Islam
Madkillermiller, an unimportant person with a business card
Stephanie Jane Findlay, finally I am me, a woman!
Louis Grey Magus is my alter ego
Tacco Matto, the performer, I am my emotions
Graça, a six years old child and her imaginary dogs
Visit the Photo Section to explore the images that capture the essence of these conversations and emotions.

Short introduction of 'the theatre of the mind, a video-photography documentation by Loredana Denicola

Short introduction of the theatre of the mind